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Friday 19 2019

Change lives

Dear women,
Didn't expect this would be my first post of the year but then I think it's high time I discuss this with each and every one of you because it's getting out of hands.
Few days back, a friend of a close friend committed suicide because she was groped and molested by some jerks. Later it was found that she was raped for two weeks. She couldn't talk to her family because *it was her own uncle*
Over the years, I happened to talk to thousands of girls/women..married and unmarried through social media or in person.
It's the account of comfort that made those kind people express the most humiliating side of their dark past.
Consider this my own survey which technically has no proof of evidence but deep down if you're reading this, were you sexually molested too?
Take a moment.
I heard disturbing stories from them about getting tortured, taken advantage of, threatening meetings and what not!
One of the lady I met was raped time and again by the FAMILY PANDIT who used to come to her place for all the hawans, like all the time!
Then a woman told me how she was forced by her own uncle to do nasty things to him in exchange for candies.
Today a friend posted about her life and the challenges she's faced every single day ever since she could recall that she existed.
Brothers blackmailing and humping their own sisters.
Fathers groping and molesting their own daughters.
Dear lord, I met this girl once whose mother used to sit and watch as her father forced her to do things!
So many disturbing stories!
I know this is India, and we don't talk about these things in public and especially in family because in most of the cases, it's the family that's the reason of the issue.
But every time I met someone who had shared a past like this and when they used to tell me about the incidents, I saw that their memories have affected their personalities.
If they're shy, it's because they're scared of the past.
If they're blunt; rude, it's because they've accepted the fact that they've been 'used' and they can't move past it.
This is for all you girls out there who've been a victim or have faced something more traumatic;
And I speak on behalf of the remaining section of the society who are sane, educated and not moronic.
I am proud of you all.
Surviving and overcoming the fears and nightmares which I cannot even begin to imagine..
Thank you for being the beautiful souls you all are but now, suffering in silence is becoming like a third stage cancer.
Please open up.
Spread the word.
Take no shame in sharing and naming the people who've caused you this tragedy.
You've come a long way..
Look at yourself, the strong inspiration that you are today to so many little girls who now look upon you for wisdom.
Be all the sassy you want but take no one's shit.
You have the power in your own hands.
And never, never let go of life so easily.
Not because of some jerk who just walks the streets freely and you trap yourself in when you were the free bird.
And if there is no one who'd listen then there are people like me.
Strangers but not so strange.
You'll be mothers someday and you'll have your daughters coming over to you to ask for advices and think about this for a moment; one strong decision you take today will make you a proud mother.
Life doesn't end so easily just because you were humiliated.
It's time you give that humiliation back.
One small spark will light up everything good and BURN EVERYTHING BAD.
You're beautiful and precious.
Don't let anyone degrade your consciousness.
The innocence that resides in you, keep it alive but always know when to kick back.
There's are millions like you who need your support.
For everything there's always hope and when there's nobody to talk to;


Thursday 18 2019

anniversary mom and dad

Happy 39th anniversary mom and dad

There are milestones in life that get celebrated every year without much fanfare, including birthdays and anniversaries. But some are way more special than just another day on the calendar. Your  birthday, dad birthday,  wedding anniversaries on the four are all cause for celebration. They’re big milestones for most people.

But none may be more important in this day and age than the 39th wedding anniversary, in my opinion, and that’s why today, 18julyMarch 2019, is special to me. Thirty-nine years ago my mom (Urmila Devi ) and dad (M.k singh) were married.

While I do not have that much relationship experience (in fact, depending on who you ask, I’ve never had a true girlfriend) I know that I have the two best role models in how to make things work. I’ve been lucky enough to also see my grandparents make it 50-plus years. I have the best role models anyone could ask for.

And while our lives are very busy and we rarely have time to sit down and talk about life like we used to, my mom and dad still play a vital role in my life. Without them, I’m not sure I’d be where I am today. Don’t get me wrong, they’re humble and would tell you that my Sister’s and I work our tails off to get to where we are in our lives, but the truth is, without them, we’d be somewhere else.

I love Taylor Swift’s music, and I’d consider myself to be one of those happy romantics, who believes in the fairy tale ending. One day, if I’m as lucky as the two people I celebrate here, I’ll be able to look back on 39 years of being married in the same way my parents have tonight.

Congrats mom and dad. You two are a shining light, two of the best role models anyone could ask for, and you deserve more than just this little blog post.

(However, if I may interject in my defense, I am a  student—just trying to get by, and busy as heck with Studies and work, so you’ll have to deal without a big lavish present at the moment!)

Here’s to the past 39 years  and many happy more.

Love, your smallest son,

Tuesday 16 2019

Even The Pain is Nothing

It’s An Act, Even The Pain You See Is Nothing…

I act like I’m okay, I tell people I’m okay, and even when people can tell I’m unhappy, I don’t show them almost anything. Hatred, rage, and self-loathing are eating me alive.
I feel so incredibly horrible most of the time. Something inside me never lets me be truly happy. I can be temporarily content, but not truly happy. Whenever I almost become happy, my mind tells me something. It tells me things like: You’re worthless, you know you have to die, you’ll never be anyone or amount to anything, you’re hideous, or you know you can’t and never will be happy. I hide many many thoughts and feelings from everyone. I know that keeping it in is bad, but if people knew some of this….. They’d either think I’m a monster or think I need to be back in the loony bin…

Saturday 06 2019

Rhapsody of the heartbroken.

Rhapsody of the heartbroken.

“If you’ve never loved and hated someone at the same time, you’ve never truly been in love.”
Sure, there’s much more to love than just feelings. But the emotions we experience in love make such a lasting effect. We become our true selves because of how we feel about people.
I hate when you won’t talk to me. I hate how cold you are to me. Sure, you say words, but the conversations are shallow. It feels like I’m speaking to your shadow — not your real self.
I want us to become one and the same. I want a partnership, a unit, a love. I’m not sure if you’re scared or just not ready (which I understand), but I need you to know how much I want and need this.
I’m trustworthy, but you don’t seem to believe it.
I know you’re not to blame, though. You’ve had it rough for quite some time now. You’ve suffered from failed relationships, heartbreak and abandonment by your friends. I’m incredibly sorry for that.
I know I may have made some mistakes in the past, but I love you. I’m here for you and will always be here for you. Trust me.
I love you the way someone is supposed to love someone.
You’re someone I will never fully let go of; you are a part of me. I couldn’t leave you if I wanted to.
I hate that you don’t care about me the way I wish you did, but I know one day you could.
It hurts. When I look at you or talk to you, I can tell you don’t care about me the way I care about you.
And though it hurts unlike any pain I’ve endured before, it’s okay. I understand you don’t love me.
But you could. Because it just wouldn’t make sense that someone who loves someone as deeply as I love you wouldn’t receive that love in return. It just can’t be.
I don’t love you like I’ve loved anyone else before; I love you the way someone is supposed to love someone.
I hate myself for loving you, because I know I deserve better than this.
How does one let go of someone who has become a part of them? Tell me where to cut the cord, and I will.
I hate myself for loving you, because I know I deserve better than this. I know I deserve the love I’m giving you.
Why can’t you be that person to me? Why can’t you let me love you? If you won’t let me love you, at least let me hate you completely. I can’t go on loving and hating you at the same time. The tension inside me is building, and I’m feeling like I’m about to implode.
But I know this will one day all work itself out. You will either love me, or I’ll find a way to survive without you. It won’t be easy. I’m not even sure it’s possible to ever completely let go of you, but I have to try.
I won’t let you be the end of me, because there’s a life out there waiting for me to live it. Just know that this could have been beautiful. We could have been beautiful together.
And it wasn’t me who ruined it. Not this time.
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